Please ensure your child is ready at the start time of our lessons. Appropriate swim attire, hats and goggles must be worn. Please ensure your child’s armbands are inflated and fitted securely on your child before their lesson. It is your responsibility to ensure your child’s safety on our premises until hand-over to our swimming teachers. Please inform our staff of any health concerns pertaining to your child. Any changes to your child’s health should be reported prior to their swimming lesson – our Duty manager on shift can update these details on your child’s profile which is communicated to the teacher’s Portals. Please do not distract your child during their lesson. Please do not walk onto the pool bank at any time unless requested to by a member of staff. Video or photography is strictly prohibited at all times. Should you wish to change timeslots please speak with our Duty Manager on shift who can guide you through your options.
Please use the toilet and have a quick shower before entering the pool. Listen to your teacher and follow their instructions at all times. At the end of your lesson, please leave the pool promptly.
Children’s Lessons T&Cs
Class numbers are projected target figures (from 3 to 12) and are not guaranteed. If an unforeseen situation arises where an Instructor is absent and we cannot organise a replacement Instructor, classes may be joined if considered appropriate by management. On rare occasions a class may be cancelled. For this reason, the Instructor of classes may fluctuate at times.
Class sizes may be affected if an individual is re-graded to a higher or lower level, where another smaller class is not available to that person.
Lessons are in 45minute timeslots, which is inclusive of a recreational settling in period.
In the event of pool closure, pool management will offer credit to your account for that missed lesson. No refunds will be given. Children’s must be 4 years or older to participate in our lessons and no older than 8 years of age to participate in our level 1 class.
For children under the age of 8, parents/guardians are required to remain in the spectator’s area during lessons.
For children under the age of 12 parents/guardians are required to remain on the premises during lessons.
For children aged 12 and over, children must be dropped off and collected promptly from our reception area. Parents/guardians are advised to remain on the premises.
Children over the age of 8 must use gender specific changing rooms, suitable to their gender.
You give your consent for first aid and lifesaving treatment to be given to your child and for your child to be taken to hospital in an emergency.
Parents/guardians are not permitted entry onto the pool bank at any time and should not distract an Instructor during a lesson.
Re-enrolment / Booking T&Cs
All children must be re-enrolled during the dates specified by pool management to secure the space for the following term.
It is the responsibility of each parent/guardian to know when children are to be re-enrolled.
Terenure College Swimming Pool will NOT personally notify parents/guardians to ensure their child is re-enrolled.
Children who are not re-enrolled during the specified rebooking period may lose their space.
Payment must be made at the time of booking to secure spaces. Lessons that are not completed by choice or non-attendance are not refundable or transferable, without exception.
For long term medical absences or where medical certificates state a need to abstain from swimming for a period, please send a dated medical certificate to us via email. A discretionary decision will be made by management on a case-by-case basis. Pro rata credit notes will be issued following management decision.
There is a 14-day cooling off period from the day of your booking, during which time you can avail of a pro rata refund (less 5% administrative costs).
Refunds will not be issued for lessons missed, similarly, there will be no make-up lessons for classes missed.
Movement / Progressions T&Cs
Every effort is made by our Swimming Instructors to provide the best instructions for each child at the right level. Instructors do their best to ensure children move through levels as soon as they are ready. We operate a continuous assessment basis for every student in the interest of fairness.
Progressions will also depend on availability in the next level.
Children are rebooked first into the same day, time, and level that they currently swim at. If your child progresses a level and the next level class is at capacity, you will be offered an alternative timeslot.
Where no alternative time is available the child will have to remain at the same level until a space becomes available.
Further T&Cs
Bullying in any form will not be tolerated in accordance with our child protection and safeguarding policy.
Children who misbehave will be asked to leave the lesson. Any future return will be at the discretion of the management.
Parents/guardians are responsible for children in the changing rooms and shower areas and should always be supervised.
No responsibility will be taken by Terenure College Swimming Pool or it’s staff for lost, damaged, stolen, or moved property. Valuables should never be left unattended.
Swimming hats must be worn by all participants entering the pool.
Showering before entering the pool in expected.
Arm bands are not supplied for swimming lessons but are available to purchase from our reception desk.
The use of photographic and video recording equipment is not permitted on site, unless prior permission from the management has been sought.
Parents/guardians should be considerate of other patrons in the length of time their children spend in the showers. Reserving showers is not permitted.
Shampoos and shower gels are not to be used in the pre-shower area.
Children feeling unwell or suffering from any infections or ailment must not attend swimming lesson.